Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sideline Suits

Last Monday during the Monday Night Football Game, Jack Del Rio the Jacksonville Jaguars Head Coach was wearing a business suit on the sidelines. One of the commentators mentioned that there are league rules the prohibit coaches from wearing suits on the sidelines, which apparently is true; however, Del Rio got an exemption in order to wear one. The San Francisco Coach, Mike Nolan, has received a similar exemption. These exemptions are for only a couple of games. The idea of prohibiting coaches from wearing suits is ridiculous and needs to be reevaluated.

George Steinbrenner, New York Yankees owner, requires that all of his baseball players cut their hair appropriately and cannot have beards. Additionally, each of them must wear a suit when they are traveling to a game. Steinbrenner requires that his players show respect and look respectable when they are seen in public. This is a stark contrast from what the NFL requires of its representatives.

The NFL does not allow suits on the sidelines because it wants the free promotion from the wearing of hats and sweatshirts. NFL Properties wants to sell its wears and apparently suits do not accomplish this. There is more to the game than how much money is paid for jerseys and other paraphenalia. The coaches and players are role models for many, and the way they look and act has a direct impact on the way others look and act.

A stroll through the criminal court on sentencing day is an indication of how influential the sports franchises are. When one is trying to make a good impression in an effort to obtain lienency, what they wear is important. However, virtually none of those who have been arrested and pled out to a crime or been found guilty are wearing a suit. Some are in sports jerseys while others are in jeans and a t-shirt. While many of the sports jerseys cost more than most dress shirts, they are not a substitute for a shirt and tie when that is what is appropriate. Educating people when a suit is appropriate and when street attire is appropriate is important. Having football coaches look and act respectfully when they are on camera could go a long way in providing this necessary education, just as Steinbrenner requires of his players.

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