Thursday, December 10, 2009

Peace Prize

Much ado has been made regarding President Obama getting the Noble Peace Prize. Many have said that he has not done anything to earn it, which may be true. However, some committee in Oslo obviously disagrees, and we are required to accept their determination regarding this.

What is not being discussed is that the award is likely much more of a rebuke of the GWB policies than an endorsement of President Obama's actions to date. Certainly, Europe was not a fan of our last President, and Obama is much more adored by our neighbors to the East. Nonetheless, it seems that the award to the newly elected President so quickly after taking office speaks more to what his predecessor blindly did regarding the wars than what Obama has done or will do regarding them. Just as importantly, Obama stated during the campaign and recently regarding the Afghanistan War that he is looking to reduce troop numbers and initiate a complete withdrawal as soon as possible, this had to make the Committee happy.

The award may also be a message to President Obama that there are high expectations for him regarding the two wars that he inherited.

No doubt after today that the world is watching.

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